Berchtesgaden Salt Mine and Bad Reichenhall Old Salt Works prepare to reopen

Berchtesgaden Salt Mine and Old Salt Works Bad Reichenhall
Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG plans to reopen its two popular destinations, the Berchtesgaden Salt Mine and the Old Salt Works Bad Reichenhall from 8 June 2020.
Based on the officially announced reopening of tourist destinations and hotels at Whitsun, we have prepared a safety and hygiene concept for minimising the risk of infection. An essential aspect of the concept is the significant reduction of group sizes. Accordingly, the group size for the Salt Mine has been reduced from 50 to now 20 visitors. For the Old Salt Works, we have decided on a maximum number of 10 persons per group. Further key aspects are larger intervals between tours, the mandatory wearing of a face mask as well as keeping a minimum distance of von 1.5m to persons who are not part of a household. Special events, such as our “underground dinner” will not be offered until further notice.
According to press officer Daniela Pflug, “the adopted measures and rules of conduct are designed to protect our guests and staff”.
All decisions and measures are subject to an ongoing risk assessment, taking account of the development of the current infection situation in Germany and in compliance with official regulations.
As of today, you can book tickets for tours from our opening date on 8 June online at Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your visit, please contact us by phone on 08652 6002-0 or by e-mail at You will find up-to-date information at and as well as on Facebook and Instagram.
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